How Do I Breed A Moon Dragon In Dragonvale

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How to Breed a Moon Dragon in DragonVale by GAMAMORI - YouTube

How to Breed a Moon Dragon in DragonVale

DragonVale is a popular mobile game that allows players to breed, raise, and battle dragons. There are over 500 different dragons in the game, each with its unique appearance and abilities. One of the most sought-after dragons is the Moon Dragon, a rare and beautiful creature that can only be bred during certain times of the year.

If you’re hoping to breed a Moon Dragon, you’ll need to have two dragons that are compatible with each other. The best dragons to use are the Sun Dragon and the Moon Dragon. You can also use the Cloud Dragon or the Storm Dragon, but the chances of breeding a Moon Dragon are lower with these dragons.

Breeding a Moon Dragon

To breed a Moon Dragon, you’ll need to follow these steps:

  1. Select two dragons that are compatible with each other.
  2. Place the two dragons in the Breeding Cave.
  3. Wait for the dragons to breed.
  4. If the dragons are successful, you will receive a Moon Dragon egg.
  5. Incubate the Moon Dragon egg until it hatches.

The breeding process can take several hours, so be patient. Once the dragons have bred, you will receive a notification. You can then go to the Breeding Cave to collect the Moon Dragon egg.

The Moon Dragon egg will take 12 hours to incubate. Once the egg has hatched, you will have a new Moon Dragon!

Tips for Breeding a Moon Dragon

Here are a few tips to help you increase your chances of breeding a Moon Dragon:

  • Use the Sun Dragon and the Moon Dragon as your breeding pair.
  • Use a Love Potion to increase the chances of breeding a rare dragon.
  • Breed during the full moon for a higher chance of breeding a Moon Dragon.


Q: What is a Moon Dragon?

A: A Moon Dragon is a rare and beautiful creature that can only be bred during certain times of the year.

Q: How do I breed a Moon Dragon?

A: To breed a Moon Dragon, you’ll need to have two dragons that are compatible with each other. The best dragons to use are the Sun Dragon and the Moon Dragon.

Q: How long does it take to breed a Moon Dragon?

A: The breeding process can take several hours.

Q: How long does it take to incubate a Moon Dragon egg?

A: The Moon Dragon egg will take 12 hours to incubate.

If you’re interested in breeding a Moon Dragon, I encourage you to give it a try. With a little patience, you’ll be able to add this beautiful creature to your DragonVale collection.

How To Breed A Blue Moon Dragon (Dragonvale easiest method) - YouTube

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